30 November, 2014
Hi Y’all
We be hustlin’ down to Myrtle Beach Yacht Club (in Little River), ‘cause when the Admiral called to confirm, the nice lady said that they were having their end-of-the-year members appreciation party at 1200. We were invited for burgers, dogs, and etc. if we made it in time. I’ve never met a burger I didn’t like, and a dog is just the frosting on the cake. Can’t tell you what the trip was like, as I just had one thing on my mind (I’m a cheap date). I think we had the Girl up on plane most of the way down, and were tied up at 1130. Now I’ve got to tell you about The Officers Club here at MBYC. It’s kind of a restaurant/bar where you have to be a member or guest to enter. Not sure, but it probably has something to do with liquor laws. Anyway, it costs something like $30/year to be a member, so it’s not exactly exclusive. Most of the members seem to be retirees who live around here, and many don’t have boats. What they do have in common is the desire to have a place to hang out, and have fun. So….back to the party. The weather was gorgeous, 75 degrees and sunny, we had some good picnic grub, and met some really happy people. Martin, a fellow transient, and one of the bundled up sailors that we had seen a few days previously, had quite a story to tell us. He and his friend, Dieter, were headed down the ditch by Camp LeJeune, when he took his eye off the ball, and ran hard aground. Before he could say “$%#@!!”, the marines were there in a gunboat telling him that he needed to get out of there, because live fire exercises were starting soon. He related that he’d be happy to, except for the fact that he was hard aground on a falling tide. Would they be so kind as to pull him off? Absolutely not, but he had better get out now, and away the marines raced. Towboat U.S. came out about an hour or so later, but by this time, the tide had receded further and the boat was heeling over, balanced on its’ keel-no way. Towboat presented Martin a bill for $8,000 for their time, and took off. Now the Marines are back, and not very happy. On goes a line, and they haul Martin off, breaking his bow pulpit in the process, while severing a 1” (that’s big) line. Would have been simpler to do that in the first place-must have had to go up the chain of command. This was the easy part of the ICW, and Martin figures he’s tired of hitting the bottom, so he’ll head back to Annapolis instead of going South as planned-he’s selling the boat anyhow. We meet Dave, who’s flying a quadcopter drone around the pool. This little beast is equipped with a Go Pro video camera, and has GPS. If it loses your signal, it will return to the location of takeoff and hover-way cool. I’m thinkin’ a little sideline business of taking aerial videos of boats and marinas for $. Hear that, Santa? By dusk, the grills are cooling, but the party’s heating up and moving inside to the “club”. After a timeout to check on the Wolverines football game back at our floating family room, we drift over. Tough to describe the scene, but visualize the musician in the corner, playing guitar and singing along with some kind of karaoke machine, sippin’ Jackie D. The gang is doin’ the “Shag” while singin’ right along, with someone grabbin’ the mic from time to time. 60’s frat party for the older generation-what a trip. Had to get up early for our road trip, so we wrapped it up around 2200, everybody else still going strong.
The 640 mile trip to Canton, Ohio was remarkable in that it literally flew by, being used to life at 7 knots. The weather was beautifully sunny and clear, with temps in the 50’s. This drive took us through a part of the country that I’ve only flown over, and seeing it from the ground was a unique experience. We left the Girl a bit early so that we could hit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, definitely worth it-we spent the whole day there, and could have gone back for another. Maybe we will sometime. Spent a food-filled holiday with my Sis and her fam on the farm, including our Alois VanTongerloo (Grandpa) Memorial Noon shotandabeer before the Lions football game. Got a few day trips in too, slot car racing (haven’t done that since junior high), Warther’s Museum (master carver and knifemaker-awesome), and a tour of Amish country (stopping at Lehman’s-maybe the best hardware store in the world, a tourist destination). Dad was there as well. Fun time, just too short, as 5 days later we felt like we had just arrived. Back on the road, the Admiral played DJ with the Ipod for a few hours. Every song was right on. Back at MBYC, it’s Saturday, and time for another party. This time, 2 musicians and a music machine. The theme was Christmas and lotsa shaggingoinon, as well as turns at the mic. Early night for the semi-dynamic duo, as we have to grocery shop before returning the rental in the morning. Up at 0700, and Suz has a Vmail from her Bro. He and his bride are in Myrtle Beach for the weekend, and do we want to meet them for breakfast? Heck yeah. Shopping’s done by 0830, breakfast at Captain’s Table by 0930, flu shots by 1100, rental returned by 1200-Whew! It’s 67 degrees and sunny, so we decide it’s a good day to give the Girl a bath before taking off tomorrow.
See Ya-
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